2025 Preliminary Calendar 

2025 brings about some changes in response to the massive growth of our membership and our current volunteer capacity, to align with the international calendar, and to better provide opportunities for lifters of every level to compete.  

  1. Our 3-lift National Championships will now be split into Sub-Junior, Junior and Masters Nationals (May), and Open Nationals (September).
  2. Bench press will be combined with both of these events.
  3. North Island and South Island Championships will no longer take place.
  4. Recommendations have been made to each association regarding the timing of local competitions to accommodate these changes but the final decision resides with each local association. 
  5. Applications for international competitions will now happen in two rounds: Jan 31st for competitions from May-July (Bench Worlds, Open Worlds, and Asia, Africa and Pacific Championships), and May 31st for competitions from August to December (Junior Worlds, Masters Worlds, Oceanias). 
  6. Lifters wishing to compete in Provincial, National, International or World Championships must meet the Qualifying Criteria set by the NZPF National Executive Council, or be granted a NZPF qualifying Criteria waiver by the NZPF NEC (all confirmed by NZPF or respective Provincial Associations as required).
  7. Drug Testing for all members of the NZPF may be conducted at any time and any of these contests listed below.
  8. Directors of NZPF National, or Provincial Championships may charge late entry fees for entries received after the entry closing dates, provided such entry closing dates are publicly advertised in all respective National Championship promotional material, including the entry forms themselves (this is to help offset any inconvenience and added expense created with regards to the event planning, extra awards etc).
  9. Dates are subject to change throughout the year. Lifters intending on competing in the above events should refer to their local association website for more details.

Your feedback regarding these changes is highly encouraged. Please provide your feedback via this link.

International applications for first half of year due. 
(Bench Worlds, Open Worlds, Asia Pacific African Championships)
January 31st
Provincial Club CompetitionsFebruaryNZ wide
Provincial Regional CompetitionsMarch 14-30thNZ wide
NZPF Sub-Junior, Junior & Masters NationalsMay 23rd-25thJet Park, Hamilton
Applications for comps second half of the year due.
​​​​​​​(Junior Worlds, Masters Worlds, Oceanias)
May 31st
IPF Open WorldsJune 8th-15thGermany
IPF Asia/Africa/Pacific ChampsJuly 5th-13thJapan
Provincial Club CompetitionsJulyNZ wide
IPF World GamesAugust 7th-17thChina
IPF Junior WorldsAugust 29th- September 7thCosta Rica
NZPF Open NationalsSeptember 26th-28thInvercargill
IPF Masters WorldsOctober 12th-19thSouth Africa
Regional Club CompetitionsNovemberNZ wide
IPF Oceania ChampionshipsNovember / December TBDNew Zealand